So I recently got into making earrings. It was actually a year when I started designing "Spirit Animal" earrings. I named the business Unspeakable Treasures but then went on hiatus for months.
Since then, I've gotten back into it with a new found love for making beaded tassel earrings.
The design above was inspired by Oscar de la Renta's line of beaded jewelry. Compared to tassel jewelry which have threads, in my opinion beaded threads look way higher quality. That's why Oscar de la Renta's beaded tassel earrings go for about $450 a pair.
In the photo above, the threads I used to sew the beads are sticking out a bit, but I recently purchased a Thread Zap II to resolve this. The zapper works to tidy up any threads sticking out (my favorite part!).
It's definitely been a learning process. I'm only on my 4th and 5th pairs since my first creation above. Evenness is the hardest part. I've learned that some beads can be uneven (aka cheap Hobby Lobby beads) so you need to find quality Delica seed beads so you can count them and have each beaded strand the same length.
Check back to for more of my creations! I'm inspired by unique hues but will take requests for certain colors and combos. I still aspire to do an ombre set, it's just a matter of finding the right hues (and the time outside of work to make these!). It's truly been fun though, and great to get away from a screen that I've been looking at all day. :)